Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Together We Belong, Together We Grow, Together We Succeed

Welcome to Reception (FS2)

Miss Hemsley, Mrs Crookes, Mrs Flinders, and Miss Hampshire welcome you to our class page, where you will find all the useful information that you will need during your time in our class.

Our Day

Our day starts at 8.40am when our door will be open for children to come in until 8.50am. Our day ends at 3.20pm.

Our PE session is on Wednesday morning – as part of our Curriculum the children change into their kit at school, this helps with their independence and motor skills. We ask children to keep their kit on their peg for the full half term, so that it doesn’t get forgotten each week. It can be taken home for a wash at the end of the half term. Please make sure all of your child’s clothes are labelled as this makes it easier to identify lost items.

On a Thursday afternoon we go into our Woodland too! Your child will need to leave a pair of wellies at school.

Homework is daily reading of either a book at your child’s phonic level (changed each Monday) or a book from the classroom library trolley. You can change this each Wednesday with your child before or after school. The aim is to read a minimum of 5 times in a week for  5-10 minutes each time. This will help your child build fluency in reading and increase their vocabulary.

Your child may sometimes bring home some sounds/key words too – these will come with instructions on how to help practise reading and writing them confidently.

Please see our tips for helping your child at home leaflets and our list of useful websites for more ideas.

We also hand out knowledge organisers to introduce new vocabulary and ideas for home learning over the holiday, based upon the upcoming focus in class.

If there is any information that you can't find on our class page, please get in touch with the school office by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



Our Curriculum

In Reception at Reignhead, we want children to be happy, confident and determined to succeed. We provide them with a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn and explore. Children are given lots of opportunities to initiate and facilitate their own learning through carefully resourced provision areas. Adults support children through high quality interactions. Each half term we have an overarching theme which provides the focus for learning. Throughout the year we use a wide variety of books to inspire the children and we plan engaging and purposeful activities to immerse them in their learning

The children's learning is carried out through practical activities, learning through doing and small focus groups with a member of staff. A record is made of children’s progress on our on-line system called ‘Tapestry’.  The children’s work can also be tracked in their Phonics, Literacy and Maths books and displays in the classroom. Parents can follow our learning journey on the website and Facebook pages. Parents are often invited into our classroom to take part or watch the results of our journey.



If there is any information that you can't find on our class page, please get in touch with the school office by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.'  


During half term five, we will be learning all about 'Ready, Steady, Grow.'


Take a look at our most recent learning...

Miss Hemsley – Reception Teacher

Favourite animal – elephant

Favourite colour - red

Favourite nursery rhyme – Jack and Jill

Favourite book – The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Mrs Flinders – PPA Cover

Favourite animal – chicken (she has lots!)

Favourite colour - blue

Favourite nursery rhyme – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Favourite book – Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

Mrs Crookes – Teaching assistant

Favourite animal

Favourite colour -

Favourite nursery rhyme

Favourite book

Miss Hampshire – Teaching assistant

Favourite animal – orangutan

Favourite colour - pink

Favourite nursery rhyme – ring around the roses

Favourite book - Stickman