Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Together We Belong, Together We Grow, Together We Succeed



At Reignhead our geography curriculum aims to inspire a genuine sense of curiosity and enthusiasm about our world in order to help children make sense of it and understand their place within it. We want to inspire our children to ask questions and seek answers as they develop their knowledge of our natural and human world. The intent of the geography curriculum is that our children will have a deep understanding of their local environment and the wider world whilst developing their geographical knowledge and skills.

Key Aims:

  • Inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with children for the rest of their lives.
  • Provide children with an understanding of diverse places, people, resources and environments.
  • Use the local area and community to develop geographical skills and knowledge
  • Allow children to make links and build on prior learning.
  • Ensure children are aware of our impact on the planet.
  • Encourage children to be curious and aim to answer our own questions. 


Subject specific endpoints are used for all year groups which allow for clear progression through a spiralling curriculum allowing children to make links with and build on prior learning. The curriculum end points are coherent from EYFS through to UKS2. Where possible cross curricular links are made to support our geography curriculum in particularly in English lessons. We plan for fieldwork to be used where possible, allowing for first-hand experience and embedding of skills and knowledge. Knowledge organisers are sent home before each geography unit of learning. These include key knowledge and vocab in line with the unit end points. Knowledge organisers are also used effectively in lesson times to support recall. Our geography curriculum is strengthened through our Eco schools work, supporting children to become conscious and responsible individuals.  


The impact of our curriculum is to ensure that children possess the geographical skills and knowledge that will allow them to be ready for the Key stage 3 curriculum and future life. We aim to instil a love of geography that will encourage children to take on new experiences, consider the consequences of our actions and be responsible individuals within the wider world. We want children to ask geographical questions and seek answers using their skills and knowledge to evaluate these answers.