Maths Intent:
As a school our intent and school focus strategy is to have a well balanced maths curriculum where the children will experience fluency reasoning and problem solving through the mathematical concepts required from the curriculum. We want to build the children’s conceptual understanding and allow them to recall and apply their mathematical knowledge quickly and accurately. This will then lead to the children being able to problem solve and reason with problems of increasing complexity. We expect that children will use mathematical talk throughout the lessons and that key vocabulary is promoted through the use of sentence stems and good questioning. We want the children to enjoy their math’s knowledge and ensure that our school leavers achieve as strong a foundation in maths as possible.
Maths Implementation:
To ensure that we support the children with this and give them the full topic coverage that they need, we use the White Rose maths scheme as a spine to support the delivery. We use the long term overviews, termly overviews, small steps fluency and reasoning guidance as a basis to plan and deliver our maths curriculum. We give children regular practice with key skills and prior learning through our do now tasks and Number sense scheme which covers KS1 to Y3.
Children receive daily maths lessons that will include fluency, reasoning and problem solving based on the scheme and work is planned in a way that allows all learners in the classroom to receive an appropriate challenge. Children are shown a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations in order to support their conceptual understanding.
Children in KS1 receive Number sense lessons that allow them to build their fluency in key mathematical concepts for example subtilizing and key fluency facts. Children in KS2 receive daily times table lessons that prepare them for their fluency in these key 144 facts.
Children are assessed using the NFER termly.
Maths Impact:
Most of the children reach the end of year expectations. Well planned lessons ensure that children are able to develop and refine their maths skills. They are also able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems and they are reasoning with increased confidence and accuracy.
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