Reignhead Primary School

Reignhead Primary School Reignhead Primary School

Together We Belong, Together We Grow, Together We Succeed

Reignhead Primary School Curriculum

Primary National Curriculum

'The national curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
The national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications. The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of
the wider school curriculum.'

Reignhead Curriculum


Our children will tell you that at Reignhead we constantly strive to be the very B.E.S.T school that we can be. Our aim is to develop each and every child to their full potential in order that they are ready for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life in modern Britain and the wider world. Our vibrant, relevant and thoughtfully sequenced curriculum supports us in achieving this aim and we are proud of the many learning opportunities we provide.

The children are immersed in engaging cross curricular topics such as ‘Raiders & Settlers’, ‘Up, Up and Away’ and ‘Rainforest SOS’ and series of lessons are carefully planned to ensure children develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and understanding to enable them to enjoy learning and succeed academically. Each topic has a history or geography focus and this is because we are committed to broadening children’s horizons and aim to inspire real curiosity and a fascination for the world and its people, both past and present. At Reignhead, we believe that our curriculum should be knowledge based and our starting point is always WHAT (which precise knowledge) we are going to teach the children. Parents and carers can use our ‘Knowledge Organisers’ to help their child at home – these can be found below. We plan carefully as a staff team, breaking down the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each curriculum area for each phase of the school. This allows us to build on that knowledge in subsequent years and continue to develop the children’s skills as they move up the school. In this way we are able to ensure progression from each year group to the next and to maximise progress for each individual child.

Spiritual, moral, cultural and personal well-being are extremely important to us and we follow a rigorous RSHE curriculum where key ideas are introduced and developed as your child progresses though school. Through these lessons, children learn about health, how to keep themselves safe (both online and in the real world) and how to manage feelings and friendships; they are also taught to respect differences and what it means to be a global citizen. Additional RSHE learning takes place through assemblies, topic work, curriculum days, planned intervention programmes and of course the ethos of the school.

Everyone remembers their time at primary school, and at Reignhead we make sure that each and every Reignhead child has a great many wonderful and memorable experiences that will stay with them throughout their lives. At Reignhead, your child could play for one of our sports teams; learn to play a musical instrument; be a Reading Ambassador or even volunteer their lunchtimes to support the younger children in school. From Year 1 to Year 6, children also have the chance to represent their class as a member of our Pupil Parliament or Eco-Committee. Being fully involved in school life and understanding the importance of taking responsibility are what being a Reignhead pupil is all about! We also provide the opportunity for each Reignhead child to take part in two residential visits. These take place in years 4 and 6 and are viewed as an important part of our curriculum by staff, parents and of course, the children.

Knowledge Organisers & Home Learning Projects

Spring 2 - February/ March 2025

Nursery Knowledge Organiser

'Over the Rainbow'

Reception Knowledge Organiser

'Down on the Farm'

Year 1/2 Knowledge Organiser

'Incredible India'

Year 3/4 Knowledge Organiser

'Anglo Saxons: Art & Culture'

Year 5/6 Knowledge Organiser

'Battles, Blackouts and the Blitz'




Spring 1 - January/ February 2025


Nursery Knowledge Organiser

'Penguins & Polar Bears'

Reception Knowledge Organiser

'Dazzling Dragons'

Year 1/2 Knowledge Organiser

'Childhood Through Time'

Year 3/4 Knowledge Organiser

'The Alps'

Year 5/6 Knowledge Organiser

'Road Trip USA'


Autumn 2 - November/ December 2024


Nursery Knowledge Organiser

'Light & Dark'

Reception Knowledge Organiser

'What's in the Toy Box?'


Year 1/2 Knowledge Organiser

'Wonderful Weather!'


Year 3/4 Knowledge Organiser

'Roman Invasion & Resistance'


Year 5/6 Knowledge Organiser

'Industrial Revolution'


Autumn 1 - September/October 2024

Nursery Knowledge Organiser

'Family Tree'

Reception Knowledge Organiser

'People Who Help Us'



Year 1/2 Knowledge Organiser

'The Great Fire of London'


Year 3/4 Knowledge Organiser



Year 5/6 Knowledge Organiser
