Welcome to Year 5/6 Orange Base
Miss Higginbottom, Mrs Dunn, Mr Fox and Miss Bushell WELCOME you to Year 5 and 6 in Orange Base.
Welcome to our class page, where you will find all the useful information that you will need during your time in our class.
Our day starts at 8:40am where our door will be open for children to come in until 8:50am. Our day ends at 3:20pm.
Our PE days are Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). In addition, we will also be completing the Sports Leader qualification on Thursday mornings – please can your child wear their PE kit for this too.
Our PE kit is trainers, black shorts/ bottoms, house team t-shirt and black zip up jacket. Please make sure that your child can remove their own earrings or remove these prior to PE on these days.
Homework is daily reading of either a levelled book or a book from the classroom or library (levelled books are changed each Monday). The aim is to read a minimum of 5 times in a week for 10 -15 minutes each time. This will help your child build fluency in reading. Children will have weekly spellings to learn and will come home with a spelling plan at the beginning of each half term.
In addition to this, they will also need to practise key words from Key Stage 2 spelling lists. Your child will come home with the words they need to practise.
Maths homework centres around fluency. Children can practise learning their times tables and other number facts online using their Times Table Rock Stars account.
We also hand out knowledge organisers to learn and set half termly homework projects based upon the upcoming focus in class. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead full of interesting and engaging learning.
During half term four, our topic is history based where we will be learning all about World War 2.
If there is any information that you can't find on our class page, please get in touch with the school office by email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.